Its interesting to see how things had changed at the time this photo was taken in the mid-1930s after Prohibition,which began in 1920, ended on December 5, 1933. At this roadside drive-in restaurant, a carhop served Magnolia Beer (note the sign at the far end of the building) that was kept in an attractive art deco cooler to patrons sitting in a Packard roadster. It appears that the picture was taken down south as the brew was produced by the Galveston-Houston Breweries. Courtesy of The Old Motor
Couldnt find a thread for this, what are your least favorite roads/highways to drive on? For me in New Jersey it would have to be rt 287 and 78. Absolute clusterfucks especially during rush hour. Honorable mention to the belt pkway in NY. What a nightmare. <a href=>.</a>
Any expressway in the Chicagoland area. Tolls, horrific traffic on 2-3 lanes, maybe when they’re open. And constant construction just to try and cover with plates, or fill pot holes.
I had a long-haul trucker explain to me he listened to Enya, because listening to Metallica on the Dan Ryan during rush hour was a bad idea, for keeping calm.
As for where I am, King County (where Seattle is located) is notoriously bad for road condition. You can always tell where the county lines are on Interstates 5 and 90, when the road noise changes.
Chicago traffic bad? come on it used to ONLY take me 2 hours to go 48 miles. did that for 7 years, maybe that's why anything under that is around the corner
You got enough head banging when you hit one of those glorious pot holes. I don’t know whether it speaks more unkindly of the car or the road, but I had a good friend that had one of those LeBaron Convertibles break an axel on the Dan Ryan hitting a hole “pre” repair. Plus seeing the crumbling bridges/over passes always instilled confidence.
What you headbangers could use are air "axels" (formerly spelled "axle"). As with most every other contemporary solution, don't deal with the cause. Just fix the symptom:
In Santa Fe, it would have been and may still be more efficient, if patrolmen used sober-a-lizers, in order to weed out the driving minority there, during traffic controls