My Daughter and Son-in-law moved down to Florida last year for his work and may need to look at replacing one or both of their New York State cars. Their second car is a Rendevous and the brake lines are going bad. Seems the shops down their panic when they see rust under a car and either give an outrageous estimate or simply say they will not work on the car. The AC on this one also quit so they decided it is time to replace the car. The move cost them plenty so this is not an expense that they planned to have the first year they were down there. I have seen several members that live in Florida and would like to know about places near Lakeland, Fl. where they will not get ripped off buying a used car. They decided to get something perhaps mid-sized that will handle their family of 5, get decent gas mileage and be primarily the car they can use to get back and forth to work.
Don't know their price range, but Craigslist will get you a decent driver pretty cheap. There seem to be a lot of Ford Escort and Volvo wagons for sale lately. If they want a newish car, Off Lease would probably be a good place to look.
I only recently started checking local craigslists for full sized vans, pickup trucks, etc. I'd love to live around Lakeland. Have them type in Orlandocraigslist. I've seen lots of decent looking cars and SUV's listed by individuals. Of course looking they may be trash. Some seem good prices. A lot of old retirees sell their cars and trucks after getting too old to drive. Those are the ones they need to look for. Stay away from dealers with hidden mark ups. My daughter, son inlaw , and rugrat stopped yesterday on their way to Orlando for holidays. 13 degrees and 4" of snow when they left Illinois. I think they want to move here!
I just bought a "new" wagon today in Mt. Dora FL for a very friendly price. Saw it on Craigslist and snapped it up.
----^^^^^^--- A "friendly price?" But it didn't happen.At least this lower part didn't happen! After all MtDora is famous for pink elephants and other imaginary things.
You guys are tough! I have the title and bill of sale, but I won't bring her home 'till Friday evening. 78K miles, one owner Central Florida (away from the salt air) garage kept 86 Cutlass Cruiser. The A/C doesn't work, and there's a piece of tape on the shift knob. The expired (?) Penn tag is there to keep the neighbored association Nazis from complaining. Speaking of imaginary things in Central Florida:
We have one of those imaginary things also on our east coast, been there done that....does make ya kinda wonder But when I was there, it was still "FREE"..... you didn't have to pay! today!
I'd have a better chance of driving on Spook Hill than Magnetic Hill. We've been to several car shows at Bok Tower but always forgot about the Spook Hill anytime we were in the Clermont area. But what's all this have to do with a station wagon from Mt Dora at a friendly price? I like the interior of that one. Wagon looks good. And look at the education we all got! I've noticed the optical disillusionment of feeling like going up a down hill in the mountains many times. I just blamed it on the liquer!
We solved part of the problem for a new car. I offered to help them replace the main car which is an older mini-van and keep the older one as the second vehicle. Found a very nice deal at Hertz on a newer low mileage Dodge mini-van. We were able to check out several and they found the one they liked. Now we need to put the 06 Buick Rendevouze on Craigslist. Still a good car but definitely a mechanics special. It needs new brake lines and some power steering work.
Congratulations on your new Cutlass Cruiser, I like that interior. If I have to replace my Nissan Xterra I'll look for one of those first.