Not surprised but it is and has been unusually colder then normal. And so to is the amount of snow that we have already. However there is not much else to do but watch the storm and moan about it.
Cold in Utard but no snow and a nasty inversion and pollution layer. It's a total no burn, no drive (if possible) situation. G Gack! You could cut the air with a knife.
Well right know our little part of the globe is not very warm! And we are half way to the equator....
We're looking at a low of 10! degrees here in Naughty Newnan, GA Sunday night! No precip forecast though.
back east you have the snow.... it's been raining here all day. 2 long walks with the dogs and some play time in the woods = several large towels in the wash and the mop bucket in the kitchen at the ready.
Drat Late to the party again... And I had a line all ready about Cat shoveling something, all right, but it sure wasn't snow...
All I really know about this shoveling is you people are giving me cold chills. I actually do have my old snow shovel sitting out against the fence visible from the living room. Haven't needed it so far in 19 1/2 years. When I do I'm throwing it in the wagon and moving south.
It's up to 5 degrees now , blizzard warnings are only on the coast of Maine and New Hampshire.
From the "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade" dept:
Started snowing/blowing last night around 10:00 pm 7 degrees and windy still snowing about 6-8" last night.
Shiver me timbers! So at these kind of temperatures, your home heating plant runs continuously? What do you heat with? Nat Gas? Propane? Elect? Wood stove?...........or maybe all 4,lol!? :confused: