God bless him. It's not just a thing of the past. Know many people in law-enforcement who are good folks and would do the very same. I know there are plenty of people outside the profession that would, too, but I think it's important to emphasize that he's a police officer, since they've got such a bad reputation these days.
If each of us tried to brighten our own little corner of the world, like this Officer did, think of how wonderful this tired old world would be!
Great story. The world is full of nice people. Sadly we rarely hear about those.............. Only the bad people make the news.
You can't let the "media" win when it comes to capassion for your fellow man. They would have you step over or look the other way when faced with the plight of the homeless in this country. My wife and I are proactive when it comes to this, she makes hats and mittons and keeps them in her Jeep, when she or I sees someone out in the cold (usually at the supermarket) she buys some soup and hands out a set of mittons and a warm hat...more than once the person has just broke down in tears just to have something warm to wear and to know someone cares about them.
Dewey we both have great wives. Mine makes craft items for kids and hands them out at stores and car events just for fun. It's amazing how their eyes light up when receiving those small cheap trinkets.
Yup. Warms my heart. I had a friend who always said "warms the cockles of my heart." I still don't know what a cockle is! But they must get warm when nice things happen. My cockles have been warm a lot since joining this forum.
I see this and read the picture and feel more than a little guilty that I've not done something as kind as what this officer has done. I suspect it is not his first and certainly won't be his last act of kindness. People for the most part have big hearts and are anxious to help but we let our lives get so busy with "stuff" that we forget.
Our store has been asked to be a dropoff for coats. It's part of the collection of 10,000 coats for the residents of New York who are still without coats following the "Sandy". Anyway, I had an idea that maybe we could collect coats during the Christmas parade on Saturday(yesterday). It went very well two TV stations came to the store and the parade to cover the story. One of the coworkers husbands had this old truck... https://www.facebook.com/10000coats?filter=3 Every little bit helps.