I hear you on the body roll. Although my Buick handles pretty well for such a large vehicle. But the shocks aren't stock mind you, that helps. The seller mentioned what model shocks they were but I forgot. I'll have to go look for myself now... They must really dislike LPG over there with all those smothering regulations! Let's see, LPG is about 70 eurocents per liter on average, so I'm paying 70 euros to fill it up. So that converts to about 3,70 dollars per gallon, costing roughly 97,70 dollars to fill up the 26,4 gallons of net tank volume. And I see the compression could be worse! Well that's good to know Thanks for the welcome!
Those pics ever load, I change some things, should try again. ----- I looked at my last recipt and I paid .84cents a lb $16.80 for a 20lb tank. have no idea how that caculates into gallons, they do lbs here. I got some 20s, 1 40lb and 1 100lb tank. [had 3 100lbs tanks but turned 2 of them into extra storage for my air compressor lots of volume rocks]
Thanks Rev! I never realised that many of those wagons end up derbied What a shame! Yeah, most of your pics have loaded! Unfortunately not the pics of your floor shifter setup. I'll PM you my IP later today. Thanks Mike!
Ah yes, they work! Your wagon is one Bad MF Complete with the battle scars to prove it I might add. Those modern plastic front ends do give a hell of show when they get hit! The damage to your wagon is still a bummer though, you got it in a really nice condition. And those legal costs always hurt. But hey, it's got a lot of character now! Your floor shifter is right where it should be, nice custom job!
Thanks Ive had it so long that I gotta keep changing it up so its not stale. Though I say the same thing about my Firebird but its true. Have had both over 10 years and changes keep em fresh as before them I would get a different car all the time, buy em, sell em for more and find another. These two have stuck.
Hey, when the love hits, it sticks! The rear mounted tach on your Firebird is far out! That'll show 'em.
Thought I left a welcome reply here already....it must be out in cyber spacenow I reckon.... EZ I might have got one or 2 spare regulators and cables. Sold 2 spare tail gate motors last week unfortunately (clamshell wagons are getting really popular here the last couple of years) Where in The Netherlands do you live? (Edit: Leiden... ) What kind of music do you play?
Thanks for the welcome! It surprised me that there are quite a number of Dutchies on this forum. I just found a new regulator, courtesy of our mutual friend wixom61 I will still need the outer guides for the window cable though. If you have those, PM me, I'd be very grateful! And if everything worked, I have my band's website in my signature now. I always like to call our music 'stoner funk'. As it's very eclectic, and instrumental to boot, but always in the pocket! We love making it, but I don't think we'll ever fill a stadium (or even a bar/pub) with (paying) fans with this music, so I'd better keep my day job
Yep, David rulezzzz Really hope we will meet IRL. I will have a look in my storage this weekend and PM you with some photos when I 've found the item(s). Stoner funk definately covers that kind of music. I'm on the road in a ska band for the last 30 years orso Do you visit US car meetings?
That’s one of the most controversial things I have done. But its been nothing but a blessing, folks don’t ride my bumper anymore and it sikes out allot of high end cars that would slaughter me but now they hang back. [I’m out near lake Erie and Maumee bay state park so folks come out here with their hot cars for a nice drive] ---------- "Netherlands" , "Dutchies", "Stoner Funk", who would of guessed?